Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training

This project has been funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency (NA). Neither the European Union nor the NA can be held responsible for them

Reduce, Reuse, Recycling for Environment, Europe, and Earth!

3R for 3E

The main aim of the project is to provide knowledge, skills, and competences to VET students from partner schools for the implementation of the mechanisms of the circular economy.

The target group consists of approximative 150 students and 24 teachers from all partner schools.


The specific objectives of the project, which will be achieved by the target group (150 students and 25 teachers) during the 12 months of implementation, are:

Objective 1

Development of practical skills for applying circular economy principles in recyclable waste management

Objective 2

Raising awareness of the interdependence between correct waste management and carbon footprint reduction.

Objective 3

Improving the exchange of good practices between partner schools in order to increase the positive impact of the circular economy on the environment.

Objective 4

Active participation in the project of VET students with SEN in order to work on inclusion in this type of actions and that may have social repercussions in the transition from academic to working life.


The results obtained by achieving these objectives are:

– tangible results (end products): project logo and project website; good practice guide; art design and toys from recycled materials; presentations, photo album, videos (which also include most relevant terms or words of the project in the sign language); posters, flyers,

-intangible results: practical skills for the reuse of recyclable waste for various purposes in everyday life; the ability to appreciate how the correct management of waste generates a decrease in the carbon footprint; ECO behaviors linked with the benefits of the circular economy; social, civics and communication in foreign language skills as well as in sign language.

Through the activities of the project, the participants will improve their knowledge, skills and competences related to the circular economy in order to protect the environment and combat climate change.

The specific objectives are primarily addressed to the target group, but the results of the project will be multiplied by disseminating and valorizing them in partner schools and local communities.

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